You’ve got mail

This was one of my favorite movies growing up. I was introduced to it by my dad, who loves 90s rom-coms.

It’s a movie about two people falling in love over email and chat. It begs the question, “Is it possible to fall in love through words alone?”

Have you ever fallen in love with someone over their words?

I think we do it all the time. We have our favorite authors. We dive into their world, their psyche. Maybe we fall in love with their minds. The way they view and think about this universe. Sometimes, a turn of phrase hits us like a lightning bolt and we put down the book just to recover.

What is that feeling? Recognition of a kindred spirit? Downloads from the divine?

Whatever it is, words have this magical power to move not just our minds, but our hearts. It’s why, when we meet someone who can give us just the right words, it feels like nourishment.

Some of you may have read a series of books called Chicken Soup for the Soul. Touching stories delivered straight to your soul, warming you up on the inside like hot soup on a cold, rainy day.

What attracts me to this platform is exactly that intangible sensation of inner warmth that happens as you read someone’s words and fall in love.

Here, you just have words floating around in an empty space.

No form, no body, no image. Like your entire being no longer exists, yet everything you are is also here. In words.

“Who’s on the other side of these words?” you wonder.

But strangely, it feels like we exist in tandem because we inhabit the same empty space. Less boundaries, less distinction between one another.

Here, you can fall in love with someone’s soul.
